Monday, November 23, 2009

Gabriel's Christmas list

1. Wooden or plastic eco-friendly toys
2. New bath stuff- toys, towels, robe
3. Large bibs- these features would be helpful: snap or tie closure, covering shoulders or arms, pocket to catch food
4. Cute warm outfits
5. Warm sleepers
6. Books!  Cardboard and children's storybooks
7. Absolutely anything you want to give me!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Embrey's Christmas List

1. Kenneth Cole Hooded Pea Coat (size 10, charcoal)
2. Reusable sandwich, snack, produce and storage bags
4. Nike Hoodie This one or this one (size Med)
7. TOMS Shoes (size 9.5)
8. Sweaters/long sleeve- I like Gap, J Crew, Old Navy etc
9. Bright colored scarf and gloves to go with my grey coat ;)